Ramadan With Quaker
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Kevin Zahri

With over 10 years of experience in health, wellness and fitness, Kevin Zahri is one of the most well-known experts in his field. Also affectionately known as Cikgu Fitness Malaysia, read up on his tips to enjoy a healthy Ramadan, powered by the goodness of Quaker oats.

Kevin's Tips

Tip #1: Make The Right Choice

Be sure to make more good and healthy choices versus bad ones. Remember it’s NOT about living that perfect lifestyle but finding the right balance.

Tip #2: Conscious Eating

If you are looking to lose weight, you need to know how much food your body needs each day. Eating too much healthy food such as fruits can also contribute to weight gain. Make conscious decisions by eating more natural, unprocessed food.

Tip #3: Eating Out Is Okay

We all eat out. It’s fun, easy and part of everyone’s social lifestyle. To be honest, there are plenty of healthy food choices just about everywhere and if it so happens that you are stuck at a place where there are no healthy choices at all, remember it’s fine to indulge once in a while. But don’t go crazy though!

Tip #4: Snacking Done Right

My advice is this: Have one type of ‘kuih’ or pastry and one healthy protein-based snack like nuts or milk. It’s about finding that balance without sacrificing your own personal enjoyment.

Tip #5: Burn The Fat Away

The best exercise for fat loss is HIIT internal workouts. Doing so will shock the body and give you a quick full body workout within 30 minutes. Best of all, HIIT workouts can be done anywhere, without the need of any equipment.

Tip #6: Motivate Yourself

Finding motivation to keep fit or stay healthy begins with you. Now I can't tell what motivates you but I can promise you two things: 1) You must become your BIGGEST motivator and 2) if you don’t work on your health and fitness now, one day you will regret not having done so when you had the chance.

Tip #7: Fad Diets Don’t Work

Trendy or fad diets come and go. They are helpful in losing weight but not sustainable in the long run. All types of diet have numerous success stories and failures. There is no one diet that works for everyone. My advice is to choose a sustainable diet that you understand, enjoy and is line with your goals.


Nutrition Corner